Lissie's Leap

Hello! I'm Lissie!
A gingerbread girl with ginger curls.
I wear leotards and bandanas, hair ribbons on my wrists, and glasses on my nose.
I sing along to musicals and sometimes opera too. 
If I lived in London, you'd probably find me twirling in a studio at the Royal Ballet.
I can touch my forehead to my knees and other bendy things.
Sometimes I pretend I'm Judy Garland when I'm driving in the car...or Barbra Streisand.
Give me a pen and paper, I'll give you a poem...or a story...or a song.....or a 10 page analysis on A Clockwork pick;)
C.S. Lewis
Walt Disney
Anthony Newley
I've got two bunny rabbits. Laeloni Velveteen and Monchichi Rosita Hernandez. Please address them by their full names, or they will be terribly offended.
Student of philosophy searching for what's real. 
I have a sister. She's my best friend and my home.
This is our blog, dedicated to a little something called JOY
which is actually quite a big something
and quite powerful too.
Let's chase it together.

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